We now have a 6 minute video from the Hope Volunteer Corp PNG 2013. Produced by Simon Cahill- thanks!
![]() #1 Most challenging… The poverty in the settlements. #2. Most memorable… Traditional dinner at the home of church disciples. #3 What you love… The people. #4 Life changing decisions… To be more grateful, to be more determined to make a difference for God on a day to day basis. - Mike ![]() #1. Most challenging… Being able to coordinate things so projects could be completed in a short time. Felt a bit out of my depth and God filled in any gaps! #2. Most memorable… Seeing volunteers working together joyfully and spurring one another on. I was amazed at how much was achieved in a short time. Also seeing a generous man, Shiv get baptised and his heart was so ready. I was amazed at God’s timing – that this all happened during the week we were in PNG! #3. What I love… The warmth and humility of the people – you feel like royalty when you are with Papua New Guineans. #4. Life changing decisions… To sleep out one night in Melbourne like a homeless person to help me understand more about the needs of those less fortunate. To be more prayerful and put God into the areas of my life where I am most self-reliant. - Mark ![]() #1 Most challenging… Walking into the 9 mile clinic and being confronted with the standard of health care and seeing the community it was serving challenged me. It broke my heart to see the sheer poverty; the daily life of these people and yet the joy they pour out. The smiles on their faces, their eagerness to help out in the clinic. I came to serve but they challenged me with just their desire to see change in their own health care system. #2. Most memorable… The most memorable moment was our ministry lessons after church on Sunday. The single sisters spent time one on one getting to know each other, their goals, their worries, what they are struggling with and what they are working on. This was just an amazing time to share. It is so great to know that across cultural and physical divides we all have the same issues. It was so encouraging to just open up to one another, be honest and then get to give all our dreams and concerns to God in prayer together. #3. What you love… The people. Though they have very little they give all they can. They are so serving, opening their homes to us, feeding us and helping out in the clinics. They are also very serving to one another, it is such a great example and lesson to learn. #4. Life changing decisions… So many!!! The biggest one is to just live a radically God reliant life. In Papua New Guinea, it was easy to see the need for a daily reliance on God in all that you do. Now coming back to a comfortable home and stable job, I can see that complete need for God disappearing so I am going to make radical changes to continue to depend on God everyway. Seeing and meeting the people of Port Moresby Church of Christ and HOPE has made me want to give more generously with my financial contributions, to change my career oath and to possibly go to university. I want to give these things fully over to God to allow him to shape and change my life and use me how he wants to, so I must daily rely on him for my direction and strength. - Kaiti ![]() #1. Most challenging… 2 things were confronting – seeing small children playing in deep ditches filled with muddy water and rubbish. A mum who was 3 years younger than me but looked 20 years older. Their lives are so hard, but they were SO joyful. #2. Most memorable… The lovely presentation by the Six Mile Teachers, Angela, John and Dorcas and visiting their school. The children were very shy at first but when we left they gave me hugs and waved and were holding high their new footballs and soccer balls! Shavi’s baptism was great too! Also, our great party where we learned to dance PNG style in grass skirts!! #3. What you love… The warmth, hospitality and generosity of the people – Anne, Dore and the entire family and extended church family - they greeted us at the airport… and it never stopped!!! The sunsets were beautiful!! But it is the people who make the place. #4. Life changing decisions… To be grateful EVERY day of my life and where God has chosen to put me. To keep in touch with the 6 mile teachers and encourage them and support them. - Louise ![]() #1. Most challenging… The way the system worked (PNG time) #2. Most memorable… The warmth of the people that shared our home in Australia. #3. What you love… The possibility of lasting change and the way the people coped with their situation. #4. Life changing decisions… To be more patient with things I cannot change and to be more grateful with my life and not complain. - George ![]() #1. Most challenging… The most challenging thing that I had encountered was the hot weather, the uncleanliness/hygiene of the clinics and the difficult conditions that the nurses worked in. #2. Most memorable… The kindness and warmth of the Papua New Guinea disciples and encouraging the nurses to be involved with improving their working conditions. #3. What you love… The people and their friendliness. #4. Life changing decisions… To keep my life as simple as possible and faith with God that we don’t need a lot to be happy. - Melinda ![]() #1. Most challenging… Dirt – it was everywhere, on the roads with big potholes, under the clinic was where it should not be, under our fingernails, yuck, even in my hair. #2. Most memorable… Seeing 4 year old Marcelle who had painted his own face instead of the clinic wall. #3. What I love… The people - not the dirt or the beetle nut, or the highland hats on Mike’s head – or PIT PIT! #4. Life changing decisions… It has renewed my resolve to love more deeply and to fight materialism in my life. - Bronwyn |