HOPE worldwide Update: Corona Virus (COVID 19) Guidance, Advisory And Available Resources .14/3/2020 Dear Friends of HOPE worldwide, As you are all aware, the situation with the novel Corona Virus (COVID 19) is rapidly changing. China is seeing a reduction in new infections while other areas are growing in the number of cases of the virus. There are many guidance documents and web pages being published every day. The following advice and links may be helpful to you as we ride out this storm! Don’t: OVER or UNDER react. Do: BE AWARE and ACT by staying informed through reliable information that is regularly updated:
Adopt The Following General Guidelines:Follow healthy and hygienic daily practices.
If you have concerns or questions about a HOPE worldwide event or activity, please do not hesitate to contact the local HOPE worldwide Rep or email me: [email protected] Warm regards, Mark Timlin Country Director, HOPE worldwide (Australia) |